Petite Toro Enclume
Livio Benedetti born 1946( died 2013) of Italian parents lived in France from the age of 12 yrs, he is one of the most revered contemporary sculptors in France today; traveling through France one will frequently come across his exquisite public pieces as specially in the Alps. Dame de Tignes dite La Sarrazine standing 3.80miters high gazing across the Tignes valley - she will be well known to any skier that has visited Vale d Isere in the French Alps. Livio used one of the finest foundries in France to cast his wonderful sculptures,(Barthelemy Founderie South France) using traditional methods assuring perfect results for Livios exacting standards. His work is held in many private collections internationally. Phone now 01326 219323 to purchase this item
21st Century
Bronze - Number 8 from an edition of 8
From the artist